
Excited for Saturday evening. Quick speaking jam in the morning, then a tire repair, shopping, an event at the library, then home to mow, then steaks at the end of the day. Prior to starting the grill, I thought to myself– it was a good day, why not have a beer while you grill?

So I listened.

In my workout clothes, I headed to a shop where you can mix and match to make a six pack. I grabbed a couple Athletic Brewing, then some Florida Man.

Super excited! The beer and cigar while grilling– especially after a great day– is one of my favorite celebratory rituals.

Then, when I put the beers in the car, my headphone charger fell out of my pocket. While I was able to retrieve the buds, the case bounced under another car, and into a grate that covered a drainage ditch.

I drove home and got the grippers, but they were too short. Luckily, I frequent the cigar shop there enough to ask if they had a yard stick— anything to knock around the case so that I could get the gripper on them.

After an hour, no luck. A stranger came by with a husky strap to try to pull the grate up. It was a great gesture, but didn’t work.

So I went to home depot and got longer grippers.

Then I went back to the Jagermeister-colored grate.

This time I was consistently gripping, but I couldn’t get the case through the grate. I cussed a little– I think to show frustration instead of just asking for help. In truth, I wasn’t really angry– this small problem gave a little more purpose to the day– which is cool– sometimes the best medicine in life is being gifted a small problem to solve in a day or less.

The frustrated attempts I was exhibiting were a form of communication– it may lure people towards me– because I looked pathetic. Which is a shitty tactic but many rely on. It’s better to ask strangers for help than to have them think you’re a shit and incompetent.

As for me, a kind woman and her significant other wished me luck, but before moving on, asked if I wanted help. I was relieved. The man could tell I was shaky as I’d been at this a long time. Physically, it is really difficult. But mentally it was worse, because you get so close several times, just to lose it right as you get the case to the grate. Exhausting after several loses. The stranger helping me even experienced it. He pulled it all the way up, then it fell. He jolted himself 30 inches in the air he was so upset. It’s like gambling.

But , alas, it was a two person job. Again, the man got it as far as I did, then his wife cupped her hands under the grate, they communicated, and it was done.

As they drive away, I’m sure they know they got the better end of the deal. They got to help some one, he demonstrated teamwork and competence, and the wife experienced the kindness for offering help in the first place.

I only saved money on not having to buy a new pair, but the gratitude and amazement felt due to the generosity of others is a drug.

I need to be more conscious and return favors.