About Me

My name is James Robinson. If you google my name, there are 302,000,000 results– which means I’m probably the billionth James Robinson in history– so not really unique. I am the author and curator of The Forty Five Blog , which should have been called The Billionth. I also post on Small. Smaller. Tiny. — my website for fiction and creative work.

So why 45?

First, this is not a site or blog about the 45th president. I just happened to buy a domain when I was 45 and just starting to learn .

I also like that the 45 degree angle signifies a trajectory that is “up and moving right”.

The angle can signify ascendance and improvement of self and organizations.

As for the content, anything goes. I’ll blog my learnings, thoughts, ideas and notes from what I’m reading and experiencing. I’m trying to have fun with it and not take it too seriously, although the original intent was to be serious about education and leadership. That was the wrong approach because those topics are super serious. It’s better to explore with a sense of playfulness and not get hung up on the posturing . I like district schools and charter schools. As a matter of preference, I got heavily involved in charters because I felt they were more punk rock– almost anyone could start one.

When people ask what I do, I just say I’m a “creative” or a “designer” — but my medium of choice has been schools for the last decade.