On My Travel

In Ireland, I felt something close to a truly human experience– and I did so by just walking the streets for a few hours in Dublin and Limerick. First off, the number of small operator-run businesses is incredible. Of the stores and shops we visited, owners and managers were invested in our experience because they’re invested in their reputation as well as the reputation of their business. Of course, that’s a gross generalization, but it really felt that way. Ownership, humility and mastery in ones field or business has great advantages because the distance between the owner and lowest man or woman on the totem pole is merely inches.

However, more importantly, I am curious about the cosmetic surgical and SSRI habits of folks in Ireland. In America, almost 20% of adult women take some form of medication for depression or anxiety. As such, we are dealing with a version of a person that may not be entirely authentic. Can you imagine dating someone who is on the meds, then decides to discontinue after marriage? That would be trying and telling in terms of assessing the overall strength and authentic value of the relationship.

Who you date vs who you marry can be totally altered.

It’s wild.

While there’s a rise in using meds in Ireland, the people didn’t seem shiny and plasticly . I hope they don’t succumb to the internet social media glitz of surface perfection, like we have, because they seem to have something decent going on.