A Test

Last night, I shut the day down by having a cigar on the back patio. For a moment, I caught a glimpse of my puffy gray hair and thought to myself– Your hair looks crazy– like M’s. M. was a dear friend and mentor-poet. We exchanged poems and artwork– I’d visit him– walk around the …

Made turkey soup today. Wrote– and just really enjoy what I’m learning from the process. I walk, have conversations with myself, pray, move some more, then write some more. The volume of writing over the last 4 years is vast across the genres of fiction, blogs and journals. But the show script is the one …


At the store, getting snacks with my brother-in-law. I couldn’t believe the choices. 7 varieties of Doritos alone. Midnight Snack Doritos–which taste like cheese burgers –was one of them. One stoner designed it for another– and the rest of us benefitted, because we all love novelty , we all love death by novelty, yet we’re …


She asks for pasta. It’s 95 degrees in June, and my daughter wants baked ziti, and so I make it– with garlic bread– and a vodka sauce with some sausage in it. And I made the wings I thawed as well. I guess those are for dessert– buffalo wings and bleu cheese ice cream– could …