Aliright. I’ve been an analog person for a long time, but this kindle reader that you can write in is changing my mind. Instead of having 5 paper journals, I now have them in one digital one, along with a library organized by themes. Usually I spent 400 bucks a year on paper and pens, …
Author Archives: the.primes
A pretty perfect day. Awoke at 4:30 , as if something were pulling me out of bed. I immediately wrote, then went for a starlit walk with my wife. For some reason I had the notion that my red glasses would return to me. I scheduled time to clean the house in search of them. …
FOur thoughts
4. Do you want to be the band-aid or do you want to part of be the cure?
On this morning’s walk, the old man with the chihuahua didn’t say good morning. Instead, he stared at the woods that were getting destroyed by heavy machinery. One of the backhoes had the size, strength and roar of a dinosaur in a Jurassic Park. I joined him for a moment because I get it. It’s …
Rolling the half-full garbage can to the curb, I could feel it wobble as the contents moved around on the inside. The weight was shifting. If it were empty, there would be no weight to shift around– therefore there would be fewer wobbles. If it were full, the space inside would be minimal– therefore there …
For our evening walk, my wife wears her canary-yellow clogs. They guide us, brightening the walk and pavement, illuminating the dark in a manner that matches faith. Our pace is quick so as to get home before the bats come out. I despise the winged mice filled with rabies, rumored to be blind, and dependent …
The smaller the leader, the bigger the bureaucracy . The smaller the bureaucracy, the bigger the leader.
A car on a jack, revving its wheels at maximum RPM, and getting nowhere. Sometimes that’s what a day feels like. Spinning, making noise, being loud. The road doesn’t meet the rubber. Instead, you have to drop the car , let the tires hit the road, and steer like you’re going some place.
Waiting or resting? The activity is the same, but the intent differs. Either can imply doing nothing, being inactive, being paused. But with waiting, there’s the anticipation that something will happen. Depending on what that something is, waiting can be tiring and even anxiety inducing. Waiting to hear back from a job or a doctor …
Ever get the feeling that every action is just another cover up story for something more devious, something dirty, something to be kept secret until the timing’s right? I hope not, because living that way seems dark. To second guess each person’s intentions; to faithlessly utter words that shout but have no evidence; to look …