Reflection 1

Faith is important. Yet, as strong as my faith is, there was an underlying, low-grade anxiety that flowed like an underground river, between April and June. I couldn’t see it then. The cause of the low-grade anxiety was that I was launching a business without revenues coming in– which can be stressful. While I remained …


Everybody lines up. Red stanchions are there to keep the crowd orderly. A few trash cans are full of fire for people’s comfort and warmth. Some guys even brought tents , smokeless firepits, and canned chili to warm up and eat under the Tennessee moonlight. Towards the back of the corral, there’s a water station …


I’ve been thinking a lot about transition and growth. This has been brought upon by my readings in Jung, the Bible and the Odyssey as well as instances of journeys in my own life. . In each of those texts, there are examples of the challenge to change and become something or someone different. Telemachus …

One good sentence. Just one good sentence to express everything the world needs to express, and to communicate that everything is going to be great. Is that so much to ask for? Does such a sentence exist? Is the sentence as simple as one word: Amen? Or is it a four word sentence: Thanks be …

Re-reading the Odyssey. So interesting to read as I get trained as a Jungian Coach and while re-reading Genesis. The hero’s journey, as seen with Abram becoming Abraham and Jacob becoming Israel , and Telemachus coming of age and the resistance he feels at his young age to take risks and mature, feels like a …

Formative poems. John Berryman’s Dream Songs and The Ball Poem. I re-read Dream Song 1 multiple times , as well as Number 4 and Number 14. It’s not just the content and the vulnerability — but the metrics, syntax, and punctuation. The timing and awkwardness in the lines captures so much neurosis, love, and longing …

The last few weeks, I’ve been focusing on producing talks instead of writing fiction and screenplays. There’s always a sense of failure with the latter. Does the proverbial tree make a sound if there’s no one there to witness it ? Likewise, is the story really a story of there’s no one there to listen …


My youngest has added a new way to start her week. She volunteers on Mondays at a cancer center, helping the patients with their exercises. It’s at 8:00 AM. She walks 20 minutes to get there , then 20 minutes back to campus. She reports the optimism and positive energy that each of the patients …