Formative poems. John Berryman’s Dream Songs and The Ball Poem. I re-read Dream Song 1 multiple times , as well as Number 4 and Number 14.

It’s not just the content and the vulnerability — but the metrics, syntax, and punctuation. The timing and awkwardness in the lines captures so much neurosis, love, and longing in a broken song that , to my ear, is perfect.

Of the different poets I love, there’s a spiritual craving for Berryman’s work. Elliot does this to me, as does Seidel and Creeley some extent.

What I wonder about is what triggers such a strong craving at different times, if there’s a mood that causes me to seek out his work, then put it back for another time.

All I know is once I start re-reading him, and listening to his recordings, he’s hard to stop.